速報APP / 個人化 / HD Wallpapers

HD Wallpapers





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



HD Wallpapers(圖1)-速報App

Wallpapers in HD quality on various subjects. We offer you thousands of high quality pictures, which in a few clicks you can find and set it as a background image to the home screen, lock screen or picture for a contact in the phonebook. The application also allows you to download wallpapers Full HD on memory card. We hand-selected for you only the best picture and split them in several dozen categories.

Images can be found not only in category, and selecting the color which should be present in the image. You can apply a color filter for a particular category by at the same time as one or several colors.

Favorite pictures can be added to favorites for quick and permanent access to them.


- Only the best wallpapers, selected manually.

- Tens of thousands of images in HD quality.

- Daily update.

HD Wallpapers(圖2)-速報App

- Several dozen categories.

- Ability to download images to a memory card.

- Installation on the background in a few clicks.

- Search by color and sections.

- Add to favorites favorite.

- Turning changer favorite images on the main screen.

- Selecting multiple categories simultaneously

HD Wallpapers(圖3)-速報App

- Multiple sorting options - day, week, month by rating

- Installing without cropping and framing

HD Wallpapers(圖4)-速報App